OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Help

Optional exercises: Further editing and adjustments

Try some of the following to see the dynamic nature of the design.
  1. Adjust the Series function for the U and V inputs for the point on the surface (point5) by adding finer increments.
    1. Edit the Series for U to Series(0.0,1.0,0.025).
    2. Edit the Series for V to Series(0.0,1.0,0.05).
    3. Toggle point5's visibility (rt-click > Visible) so it is not displayed in the model.
    The model updates, and the result is a tunnel with a finer mesh of crossbar1 nodes.
  2. Adjust the line length expression for line1 (the vertical tee section line). Increasing the multiplication factor from 5 to 8 produces a taller and wider tunnel.
  3. In order to facilitate moving the initial tunnel points you may want to defer the update behavior for bsplineSurface01.
    1. In the Graph, right click on bsplineSurface1 and select Deferred Update.

      Since bsplineSurface1 is hidden, and you cannot select it from the model view, you must use the right click menu rather than the ribbon tool.

    2. Move the two points at the end of the tunnel's driving curve (bsplineSurface1). The points are moved (1) but the rest of the model is not (2).
    3. In the Graph, right click on bsplineSurface1 and select Deferred Update again.
    This will toggle the Deferred Update option to "off" and allow the model to fully update.